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Ah! My first council experience. The most exciting part for a newly elected council member. What made it even better was that it was in the midst of our Theory of Knowledge commentary submission. This just pumped the excitement through my veins.  

On a more grounded note, bearing responsibility for the first time as a part of the council was an experience I had always been waiting and excited for. Irrespective of other tasks, a council member should be able to manage everything with council and that’s what I tried my best to do.  

So began the first proper council task presented to the tech team members of Pathways School Gurgaon. The aim? We were supposed to finish the yearbook we should have finished yesterdayAlready a great start 

With the first emergency team meeting of the technology and publication team we brainstormed the complete layout for the yearbook. Dividing roles, working separately, and maximizing efficiency. It was as if we had 50 million power in the rise of kingdoms. But I couldn’t get ahead of myself as there was work to be done. 

In a matter of a few days, the majority of the layout was built. We couldn’t have been prouder of ourselves. Going through the form and crunching in all those pages wouldn’t be possible without the hardworking members of the Student Council.  

All in all, this experience was a really great way for us to understand the brunt of the student council work, where the status stops, and the hard work starts. With this I believe can start organizing and managing my time better as I get used to my new position on the council.  


- Shreyas Handa 

DP 1 

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