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About Us

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From birth up to six years of a child's life is the most crucial learning period which becomes a reference for all future behaviour, experiences, and personality development.


All children are naturally curious. Our learning programme stimulates their interest, making them learners for life. Through play, our children develop into confident communicators, problem solvers, and thinkers. We bring our experience with the International Baccalaureate programme of enquiry to shape our Pathways Early Years. It's the best pre-school preparation your child could have.

Our comprehensive Early Years Curriculum features activities and equipment designed for the development of gross and fine motor coordination. Hands-on activities that are appropriate for children at this age are planned and incorporated into our daily routines. This curriculum is focused on individualized care and attention to build strong foundations of love and security.

Vision: We, at Pathways Early Years, believe in celebrating the uniqueness of each child andĀ inĀ encouraging them to be inquisitive explorers bursting with potential. Our shared vision is to promote learning experiences, in a safe and loving environment that inspires children to dream, to create, and to discover the grandeur of the world around them.

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